Craniosacral Therapy ::::$120 -- 2 Hour Session
Craniosacral sessions help the body to return to its natural state of balance. Our body knows exactly how to heal itself, when it is in balance, and the craniosacral practitioner assists the body in this “remembering.”
The craniosacral system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid, and bone structure that surrounds these tissues and nerves. This system has a discernible rhythm, called the craniosacral pulse, that moves through the body like a wave. This pulse directly and indirectly influences our physical, mental and emotional health.
The craniosacral practitioner “listens” to this pulse with a very gentle touch—developing an intuitive dialogue with the intelligence of the system. Using this same gentle touch, the craniosacral practitioner removes restrictions in soft tissue, allowing the natural flow of communication to return.

Increased energy and vitality
Pain reduction and resolution
Improved digestion
Improved sleep
Increased physical and mental relaxation
Emotional clarity
Unwinding of physical, mental, and emotional patterns
Supports personal transformation